Free Photoshop Brushes
One of the powerful features of Photoshop is how it handles brushes. In most paint programs, brushes are fairly simple and are generally limited to simulating basic brush strokes and wet or dry edges. However, in Photoshop brushes have many additional features and capabilities that go well beyond this. In addition to allowing you to specify all sorts of brush options (referred to as brush dynamics), you can also import custom made brush "tips" and even design your own. The brush tips are treated as images and can be up to 2500 pixels square in size. Any image or pattern can be used to define a new brush and you can even control the featering of the edges. The fact that such high resolution is supported allows the creation of brushes that can create wonderfully detailed photorealistic textures. The possibilities of what can be achieved with custom brushes is only limited by the imagination. |
Photoshop itself ships with only a fairly basic set of brushes, but one of the other great things about Adobe Photoshop is that there is an active community that makes and shares presets such as custom brushes. Below is a collection of some of the best free brushes along with examples of what can be achieved with the brush sets. Explore these sets and see what can be created with these free custom brushes.
Browse Brush Sets
More brushes are being added to the above catalog, so check back later for an even greater selection of the best free photoshop brushes.